

Tip: If you are having trouble locating a record, enter the name using the format, “Last Name, First Name”

Welcome to People Finder

People Finder is the George Mason University faculty, staff, and student directory.

For general questions or if you are not sure who to contact, please call the University Switchboard at 703-993-1000.

Listed below is information about the online directory, how email addresses are displayed, how to update your directory information, and search examples.

About People Finder

This online university directory contains student, faculty, and staff information. You can search for a name, NetID (Mason username), phone number, fax number, job title, or department. Titles such as Mr., Ms., Dr., etc. are not included in the directory.

Some search examples:

  • johns finds JohnsJohnson, etc.
  • jo finds all combinations containing any of the letters in the name or department
  • 6789 finds people with phone numbers containing 6789

Web access to the university directory is maintained by Information Technology Services. The contents of the directory are managed by Strategic Communications in the Office of University Branding.

The university directory is for the exclusive use of the George Mason University community or anyone having a specific interest in reaching individual students, faculty, staff and affiliates for educational purposes. Use of this directory as a mailing listing or telephone listing for other solicitations is strictly prohibited. Contact masondir@gmu.edu with questions.

How Email Addresses are Displayed

To reduce spam, email addresses in People Finder are only shown when accessed through the on-campus network of George Mason University. Off-campus users must connect to VPN to access the full directory. Non-affiliated off-campus users do not have access to email addresses for privacy reasons.

Student email addresses: 

Code of Virginia § 23.1-405(C), amended by HB2449 on July 1, 2019, prohibits all Virginia public universities from disclosing a student’s email address, physical address or telephone number under the directory information exception of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), UNLESS:

  1. The disclosure is to students enrolled in the institution for educational purposes or institution business, and the student has not opted out of such disclosure, or
  2. The student has affirmatively consented in writing

Providing Consent or Opting-Out

Students may opt-out by filling out the Request to Prevent Disclosure of Student Information form, which will prevent the release of all student directory information.

Students can opt-into People Finder by submitting the Opt-In Form.

Additional information is available on the University Registrar’s website.

How to Update Your Information

Use the information update form to request changes to a faculty, staff, or department entry.